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Symmetric encryption, secret-key or private-key encryption

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Using NGINX as a load balancer in conjunction with Redis Pub/Sub can be a powerful combination for building scalable and resilient architectures.

NGINX can distribute incoming requests across multiple application servers, and Redis Pub/Sub can be used for communication between components or services.

NGINX as Load Balancer:

Purpose: Distributes incoming WebSocket connections among multiple Node.js instances.

Configuration: Configures NGINX to listen for WebSocket connections and forwards them to the Node.js servers.

Node.js with Socket.IO:

Purpose: Handles WebSocket connections and facilitates real-time communication between clients and servers.

Redis Pub/Sub:

Purpose: Facilitates communication between Node.js instances by acting as a message broker.


Client connects to NGINX: Clients establish WebSocket connections to NGINX, which acts as a reverse proxy.

NGINX forwards the connection to Node.js: NGINX forwards the WebSocket connection to one of the Node.js instances in the upstream group.

Node.js handles real-time communication: Node.js handles WebSocket events using Socket.IO, enabling real-time communication between clients and the server.

Node.js instances communicate via Redis: Node.js instances communicate with each other using Redis Pub/Sub for broadcasting messages or coordinating actions.

Scaling: As traffic increases, additional Node.js instances can be added, and NGINX will automatically distribute connections among them.


SAGA Microservices Architecture Patterns - NodeJs & Kafka