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Factory Pattern to Create Objects without Specifying the Exact Class of Object

20 min read0 comments


The factory pattern is a creational design pattern used to create objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created. Instead of calling a constructor directly, a factory method is called to create an object.

  1. Node.js and npm installed.
  2. Basic knowledge of NestJS

Let's explore this with a TypeScript example:

Suppose we have a scenario where we want to create different types of shapes.

First, define the base class and its derivatives:
        interface Shape {
            draw(): void;
        class Circle implements Shape {
            draw(): void {
                console.log("Drawing a circle.");
        class Square implements Shape {
            draw(): void {
                console.log("Drawing a square.");
        class Triangle implements Shape {
            draw(): void {
                console.log("Drawing a triangle.");
Now, let's create the factory to produce objects of the above types:
        class ShapeFactory {
            createShape(type: string): Shape | null {
                if (!type) {
                    return null;
                switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
                    case "circle":
                        return new Circle();
                    case "square":
                        return new Square();
                    case "triangle":
                        return new Triangle();
                        return null;
Now you can use the factory to create and use the shape objects:
        const shapeFactory = new ShapeFactory();

        const circle: Shape = shapeFactory.createShape("circle");
        const square: Shape = shapeFactory.createShape("square");
        const triangle: Shape = shapeFactory.createShape("triangle");
Let me tell you
  • We first defined an interface Shape with a draw method. This represents the contract that all shapes must adhere to.
  • The Circle, Square, and Triangle classes implement the Shape interface and provide concrete implementations for the draw method.
  • Instead of directly instantiating these shape objects, we use the ShapeFactory class to do this for us.
  • The factory has a createShape method which takes a type as a parameter and returns the respective object.
  • When we want a new shape object, we just call the createShape method on the factory with the desired type.
  • The main benefit of the factory pattern is that it promotes loose coupling. The system remains independent of how its objects are created, composed, and represented.
  • It provides a centralized location to manage and control object creation.
  • It's easier to add new shapes in the future, by simply adding a new class that implements the Shape interface and updating the factory method.
Remember, the factory pattern is useful when:
  • The exact type of the object is decided at runtime.
  • There are families of related classes and only one family is supposed to be used at runtime.
  • When you want to provide a library of objects and you want to expose just the methods for creating the objects, not the actual classes and constructors.


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