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NestJs - Builder pattern designed to provide a flexible solution to various complex object

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The builder pattern is a design pattern designed to provide a flexible solution to various object creation problems in object-oriented programming. It allows the creation of different representations of an object by isolating the construction code from the actual representation.

The builder pattern is typically used when:
  1. The creation of an object is complex and requires multiple steps.
  2. You want to keep the creation logic separate from the representation of the object.
  3. You need fine-grained control over the construction process.

Let's create a builder pattern in TypeScript for constructing a `Computer`object:

    import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";

    export class Computer {
        private _cpu: string;
        private _ram: string;
        private _ssd: string;
        constructor(builder: ComputerBuilder){
            this._cpu = builder.Cpu
            this._ram = builder.Ram
            this._ssd = builder.Ssd
        getRam(): string {
            return this._ram;
        getSsd(): string {
            return this._ssd
        getCpu(): string {
            return this._cpu;

    export class ComputerBuilder {
        private _cpu: string;
        private _ram: string;
        private _ssd: string;
        set Cpu(value: string){
            this._cpu = value;
        get Cpu(): string {
            return this._cpu;
        set Ram(value: string){
            this._ram = value;
        get Ram(): string {
            return this._ram;
        set Ssd(value: string){
            this._ssd = value;
        get Ssd(): string {
            return this._ssd;
        setCpu(value): ComputerBuilder {
            this._cpu = value;
            return this;
        setRam(value): ComputerBuilder {
            this._ram = value;
            return this;
        setSsd(value): ComputerBuilder {
            this._ssd = value;
            return this;
        build(): Computer {
            return new Computer(this)


  1. `Computer` class:
    • It's the product we want to create.
    • It accepts a `ComputerBuilder` object and initializes its properties based on the builder's properties.
  2. `ComputerBuilder` class:
    • It encapsulates the construction logic.
    • Mandatory parameters (like CPU and HDD in this example) are set via the constructor.
    • Optional parameters (like RAM) are set using chained methods.
    • The `build()` method is responsible for constructing the `Computer` object.
  3. Using the builder pattern:
    • The builder pattern promotes the fluent API. So, after setting mandatory properties using the constructor, we can set optional properties using chained methods.
    • Once all desired properties are set, we can create the `Computer` object using the `build()` method.

This is a simple representation of the builder pattern. Depending on your needs, you can extend it with more properties, methods, or even additional validation logic.


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